Some things seem like they’ve been around forever. Things like the Google Search Engine. And yet, Google’s domain name was only registered on September 15th 1998, a mere 20 years ago. And on exactly the same date, Multibrand was incorporated as a business, so we share the same ‘birthday’ as it were.
Now, I’m not suggesting that our reach has gone quite as far as everyone’s favourite method of interrogating the web, but we like to think that we’ve created a name for ourselves with a loyal band of private customers and many well respected Housing Associations and Groups, some of which actually approached Multibrand and asked us to work with them.
We’ve grown from a ‘phone and pc on a dining room table via small shared office spaces to our present two story unit on Pendeford Business Park in Wolverhampton. We’re proud of our Black Country heritage and are pleased to be part of the success story as our region goes from strength to strength.
So to all of our customers old and new, a big Thank You for all of your support in helping us grow and develop over the past 20 years.
Here’s to 20 more. Cheers!